Cláudio Gomes
Logo Dual-degree PhD Student at Carnegie Mellon University
Logo Dual-degree PhD Student at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
Logo Researcher at LIACC - Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory

I'm a dual-degree PhD student with one foot set at the Carnegie Mellon University and the other foot set at the University of Porto. Pretty exciting, I know! 😄

🌳🚎⚡⚛️ My research focuses on sustainability-related optimization problems, such as EV routing with vehicle-to-vehicle charging technology. In parallel, I have a strong interest in alternative forms of computation, such as quantum computing.

🤓 For those readers that are optimization-inclined, I venture in non-linear integer optimization. Concretely, I work with EV-specific variants of vehicle-routing problems and with power-flow problems.

  • Carnegie Mellon University
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Ph.D. Student
    Sep. 2021 - present
  • Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
    Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
    MAPi Doctoral Program in Computer Science
    Ph.D. Student
    Sep. 2021 - present
  • Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra
    Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra
    Department of Informatics Engineering
    Master's and BSc Student
    Sep. 2016 - Jul. 2021
Honors & Awards
  • CMU ECE Department Recognition Award for Exemplary Qualifying Exam Performance
    This distinction was awarded by faculty vote to select students within the top 10% of PhD student examinees during the Fall 2023 academic semester.
    Fall 2023
  • Huawei / .PT Scholarship Award
    Award given to the top 50 students according to their personal and academic merit.
  • Calouste Gulbenkian Programme New Talents in Quantum Technologies
Selected Publications (view all )
A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum and Quantum-inspired Algorithms in Operations Research
A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum and Quantum-inspired Algorithms in Operations Research

Cláudio Gomes, João Paulo Fernandes, Gabriel Falcao, Soummya Kar, Sridhar Tayur

ACM Computing Surveys 2024 Spotlight

Quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms have not yet been systematically classified in the context of potential Operations Research (OR) applications. Our systematic mapping is designed for quick consultation and shows which algorithms have been significantly explored in the context of OR, as well as which algorithms have been vaguely addressed in the same context. Readers can have an interactive hands-on experience with the collected data on a website.

A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum and Quantum-inspired Algorithms in Operations Research

Cláudio Gomes, João Paulo Fernandes, Gabriel Falcao, Soummya Kar, Sridhar Tayur

ACM Computing Surveys 2024 Spotlight

Quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms have not yet been systematically classified in the context of potential Operations Research (OR) applications. Our systematic mapping is designed for quick consultation and shows which algorithms have been significantly explored in the context of OR, as well as which algorithms have been vaguely addressed in the same context. Readers can have an interactive hands-on experience with the collected data on a website.

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging: Model, Complexity, and Heuristics
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging: Model, Complexity, and Heuristics

Cláudio Gomes, João Paulo Fernandes, Gabriel Falcao, Soummya Kar, Sridhar Tayur

IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm2024) 2024 Spotlight

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging (V2VC) has been recently adopted by popular EVs, posing new opportunities and challenges to the management and operation of EVs. We present a novel V2VC model that allows decision-makers to take V2VC into account when optimizing their EV operations.

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging: Model, Complexity, and Heuristics

Cláudio Gomes, João Paulo Fernandes, Gabriel Falcao, Soummya Kar, Sridhar Tayur

IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm2024) 2024 Spotlight

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging (V2VC) has been recently adopted by popular EVs, posing new opportunities and challenges to the management and operation of EVs. We present a novel V2VC model that allows decision-makers to take V2VC into account when optimizing their EV operations.

All publications