Analysis of the Features

This page contains the individual analysis of the features selected in the paper "A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum and Quantum-inspired Algorithms in Operations Research", submitted to ACM Computing Surveys. Each feature is analyzed separately, and the results are presented in the following interactive charts. Each chart has controls that allow the user to inspect values by hovering the mouse over the data. The treemap and icicle charts also allow the user to filter the data by clicking on each block. The data used in this analysis is available in the repository in the following link:


Violin plots of the SS and SR values of the selected studies. Black dots represent the outliers. The black dashed line represents the median.

Stacked bar charts with the proportions of the different responses (SS01 to SS10) collected for the checklist to assess the quality of the study.

Stacked bar charts with the proportions of the different responses (SR01 to SR16) collected for the checklist to assess the quality of the reporting.

Stacked bar chart with the proportions of the different responses collected for feature D010.

Stacked bar chart with the proportions of the different responses collected for feature D030.

Stacked bar chart with the proportions of the different responses collected for feature D040.

Stacked bar chart with the proportions of the different responses collected for feature D070.

Bar chart with the distribution of the different responses collected for feature D020.

Bar chart with the distribution of the different responses collected for feature D060. Note that the bar for year 2022 only contains publications made in the first four months.

Treemap chart of the selected studies according to their section, division, group, and class from the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC).

Icicle chart of the selected studies according to their section, division, group, and class from the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC).